Glasgow: St. Andrews Roman Catholic Cathedral, East Window

Postcard of Glasgow: St. Andrews Roman Catholic Cathedral, East Window. Click to view full image (new window)
000-000-764-052-C No Internet use

East Window

Three windows of three lights with tracery, and a lower stage of four lights (on window 1 and 3 only).

These windows depict the crucifixion of Jesus Christ surrounded by Saints, some with Scottish roots.

Window 1:
Lancet 1:
Upper scene: This scene depicts St. Joseph holds flowers and a staff within a canopy..
Lower scene: This scene depicts vignettes of two unnamed Scottish saints, a man with a crosier, and a woman holding a book.

Lancet 2:
Upper scene: This scene depicts St. Patrick and St. Brigid within individual canopies.
Lower scene: This scene depicts a Bishop blessing crowds of people.

Lancet 3:
Upper scene: This scene depicts St. Elizabeth of Hungary, carrying flowers within a canopy.
Lower scene: This scene depicts vignettes of two unnamed Scottish saints.

The Lower Lights depict four of the coats of arms of the first eight Archbishops of Glasgow. (installed 1955)




Window 2:
Lancet 1:
Upper scene: This scene depicts the Virgin Mary looking on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ within a canopy.
Lower scene: This scene depicts St. George.

Lancet 2:
Upper scene: This scene depicts Jesus on the Cross, with Mary Magdalene at his feet within a canopy.
Lower scene: This scene depicts two angels surrounding a shield.

Lancet 3:
Upper scene: This scene depicts St. John within a canopy.
Lower scene: The scene depicts Jesus at the moment of his Ascension.




Window 3:
Lancet 1:
Upper scene: This scene depicts St. Agnes within a canopy.
Lower scene: This scene depicts vignettes of two unnamed Bishops.

Lancet 2:
Upper scene: This scene depicts St. Andrew, holding a cross, and St. Margaret, holding a book, appearing within individual canopies.
Lower scene: This scene depicts a monk kneeling in prayer surrounded by other ecclesiastical figures .

Lancet 3:
Upper scene: This scene depicts St David I within a canopy.
Lower scene: The scene depicts two vignettes of unnamed haloed monarchs are depicted one holding a scepter and the other an orb and sword.

The Lower Lights depict the coat of arms of four of the first eight Archbishops of Glasgow. (installed 1955)





Related Records:  
Who: Unknown (artist)
What: Roman Catholic
Where: Scotland, Glasgow, 90 Dunlop Street, St. Andrews Roman Catholic Cathedral
When: 09-Oct-14 (photograph taken)
1859 (installed)
1955 (installed)
Resource Rights Holder: Glasgow City Heritage Trust
Record ID: 000-000-764-052-C
Project Ref:
Material: glass, lead
Subject/Keywords: Crucifixion, Scottish Saints, Heraldry, Glasgow, medieval foliate, Christ on the cross, St, Patrick, St. Bridgid, St. Joseph, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Archbishops of Glasgow, St. Maria, St. George, St. Johannes, St. Andrew, St. Margaret, St. Agnes, St. David I King of Scots
Photographer: Rachael Purse