We're Early! Scran Reaches the One Million Mark
Although it hasn't escaped our attention that the fourth of July is American Independence Day, the champagne corks are popping at Scran for an entirely different reason: we've reached our target of ONE MILLION RECORDS online - two months early!
Scran has been working towards this staggering number since its birth in 1996 as a Millennium Project. Every single one of the million records is publicly available, creating a diverse and inspirational resource for cultural research and education.
But don't think that we'll be sitting back on our heels now we've reached the magic number. Thanks to a £4million NOF grant to Resources for Learning in Scotland, a raft of wide-ranging new projects will find their way on to Scran by 2003, expanding our resource base still further.
Many congratulations and thanks to Scran staff and our contributors, who have worked so hard to get these projects online, on-time.