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Medieval Literatures of the Highlands and Islands; An Introduction to Old Norse Studies: Cultural History

Created by Dr Donna Heddle, Department of Cultural Studies, UHI Millennium Institute / Orkney College

What kind of resources are these?

Course materials for two modules within a degree in Cultural Studies delivered within a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and supported by video conferencing tutorials.

  1. Medieval Literatures of the Highlands and Islands

    The main purpose of this module is to give students a sound knowledge of the literature of the Highlands and Islands from earliest times up to 1600 in their linguistic, social, and literary context in order to inform their understanding and critical analysis of modern Scottish and Gaelic literature (in translation).

  2. An Introduction to Old Norse Studies: Cultural History section

    This module aims to give the student a thorough grounding in Old Norse/Old Icelandic, and in the cultural tradition in which it flourished. The course covers the period 800 - 1300 and traces the expansion from Scandinavia in general, the settlement of Iceland in particular, and the development of Icelandic culture and society.

Read the full case study to find out more about this resource and how it was made.

Who were they designed for?

Level 2 / 3 undergraduate students in Cultural Studies. Both resources are also appropriate for all undergraduate levels and perhaps Sixth Form Studies. They can be used by students who have not studied earlier Cultural Studies (Highlands and Islands) modules as a stand alone resource.

View these resources:

Medieval Literatures of the Highlands and Islands| extracts in a webpage