Notice for Scran Contributors


Web Site

The Eighteenth Century Scottish Town: A Virtual Field Trip

Created by Dr Paula Martin, Honorary Research Fellow, Department of History, University of Dundee

What kind of resource is this?

A website which describes the Georgian architectural heyday of many small Scottish towns through images of the buildings. It is enhanced by an explanation of the economic and social background to the buildings, and images related to what went on in and around them. The materials also include suggestions for further reading and links to related sites.

Read the full case study to find out more about this resource and how it was made.

Who was it designed for?

Undergraduate students in Urban History.

Points of interest:

These materials demonstrate the value of drawing on visual evidence and using architecture to illustrate social and economic history. They bring alive an important period for many small Scottish towns before improved transport made many of them redundant as provincial social and cultural centres. If you’ve never thought about what a town is, why it exists and how it functions, then now is your chance!

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The Eighteenth Century Scottish Town: A Virtual Field Trip | website