Project search results for location: 'Outside Scotland'
Number of projects retrieved: 229 Records 145 to 150[0439] Native Woodland Photography
A collection of 32 beautifully photographed records illustrating native Scottish woodlands over the course of the four seasons. The project was funded by the Millennium Forest for Scotland Trust and the records donated to Scran.
Keywords: Trees
Location of Project Material: All over Scotland
[0430] Treasures: History of Use of Plants in Scotland
Materials relating to past and present uses of native plants in Scotland. These include their uses in medicines, dyeing and crafts, as well as their importance in Scottish industries such as the kelp industry, and in Scottish folklore. Includes many images, quotes and oral histories of native plant users.
Keywords: Plants, Medicine, Dyeing, Crafts, Industry, Folklore, Social History
Location of Project Material: All over Scotland
[0414] The Corson Walter Scott Collection
Treasures from the Corson Walter Scott Collection, including manuscripts, rare books, drawings, engravings, paintings, objects and ephemera. The themes of Scott's life, Scott the author and Scott's influences are covered.
Keywords: Corson, Walter Scott, Scott, Author, Writer
Location of Project Material: All over Scotland
[0400] School of Scottish Studies Photographic Archive, Treasures
A selection of photographic images from the archives of the School of Scottish Studies illustrating the range of subjects relating to Scottish folklife and folklore. Includes calendar customs, craft processes, music-making, vernacular building, farming, fishing and the human life cycle.
Keywords: Photograph, Fairy Tale, Folklife, Folklore, Culture, Customs, Crafts, Farming, Fishing, Archive, Music
Location of Project Material: All over Scotland
[0394] World War I
World War I items from the collections of the National Library of Scotland, including extracts from the diaries of General Haig, official war photographs from the Library's Haig collection, the diaries and correspondence of World War I nurse Mairi Chisholm, and the letters, postcards, photos and diary entries of Lance Corporal George Ramage, an ordinary soldier who experienced the war and its innovations (gassing, the increased use of technology) at first hand.
Keywords: War, European, Medicine, Military, Multimedia, Photograph, Technology
Location of Project Material: All over Scotland
[0386] The Scottish Railway Preservation Society
A selection of 60 locomotives, carriages, wagons and specialist vehicles from the Scottish Railway Preservation Society collection. All items are either Scottish built or were used in Scotland.
Keywords: Rail, Industry, Infrastructure, Train, Transport, Locomotive
Location of Project Material: All over Scotland, Outside Scotland
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