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Project search results for location: 'All over Scotland'

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Number of projects retrieved: 229  Records 187 to 192

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[0160] Treasures: The Natural History Museum

Thumbnail for project: Treasures: The Natural History Museum This project makes available some important Scottish paintings from its collection. These pictures, from the Scottish artist and naturalist William MacGillivray, are of British birds, fish and mammals.

Keywords: Painting, Drawing, Naturalist, Bird, Fish, Mammal

Location of Project Material: All over Scotland, Outside Scotland, Lothian

[0159] Basic Records - Clan Donnachaidh Society Museum Trust

Thumbnail for project: Basic Records - Clan Donnachaidh Society Museum TrustThis project comprises almost 6000 basic-only records (Scran Basics) on the collections of the Clan Donnachaidh Society Museum Trust, based in Bruar, near Pitlochry, Perthshire.

Keywords: Clan Donnachaidh

Location of Project Material: All over Scotland, Tayside

[0157] Fifty Years to Freedom: Images of Scottish Nationalism

Thumbnail for project: Fifty Years to Freedom: Images of Scottish Nationalism Material derived from the book "The Road to Home Rule: Images of Scottish Nationalism", by Christopher Harvie, which offers a broadly chronological view of the last 50 years of nationalism in Scottish political and cultural life.

Keywords: Politics, History, Devolution, Home Rule

Location of Project Material: All over Scotland, Lothian

[0154] Living Prehistory

Thumbnail for project: Living Prehistory This project provides a range of images of reconstructed prehistoric structures, life and crafts based on the on-going development programme at Archaeolink Prehistory Park in Aberdeenshire.

Keywords: Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers, Iron age, Roman Marching Camp

Location of Project Material: All over Scotland, Grampian

[0152] Basic Records - Royal Scottish Geographical Society

Thumbnail for project: Basic Records - Royal Scottish Geographical SocietyThis project provides over 5000 basic-only records (Scran Basics) on the collections of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.

Keywords: Map, Photograph, Geography

Location of Project Material: All over Scotland, Lothian

[0143] Scottish Kingship

Thumbnail for project: Scottish Kingship This project examines some essential components of Scottish Kingship, from the earliest records to the reign of James VI. This includes detailed records of the Honours of Scotland, the Stone of Destiny, examples of Royal Architecture in Scotland, and places and objects associated with the origins of Kingship.

Keywords: Honours of Scotland, King, Stone of Destiny, Royalty, Architecture

Location of Project Material: All over Scotland

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